Your experience can Make a Difference

Why Become a Peer Mentor?

What In 2021 we launched Alberta’s first eating disorder peer mentoring program. Since launching we have trained 39 mentors and matched over 60 mentees. The program has been an incredible success for both mentors and mentees. All of our program participants who trained to become mentors did so because they wanted to use their difficult experiences for something good. While the focus of the program is to support individuals who are currently working through recovery; one of the amazing benefits is that it helps our mentors too. Having one on one impact can be meaningful for you too. 

What is involved?

Our mentors are certified through a virtual training program and matched with mentees based on age, gender, and type of eating disorder experience. Once certified, mentors have the ability to choose their level of mentorship availability.  Peer mentors utilize their own lived experience of recovery from an eating disorder to motivate, inspire and support others currently in the process of recovery.  

How to Apply

To apply, please complete the following:

  1. Review the Peer Mentor position. Below, you will find a document on the Peer Mentor General Info Document. Please review this document carefully. It explains key elements of what becoming a Silver Linings Peer Mentor entails, including responsibilities, time commitment and a personal recovery requirement. Please ensure that you have a full understanding of the information in this document. Do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions!

    Peer Mentor General Info Document 2022

  2. Complete our questionnaire. The Silver Linings Peer Mentorship Team believes that full recovery from an eating disorder is not only possible, but brings with it resilience and a unique form of understanding. We would be honored to get to know you better through a glimpse into your own recovery journey. Your answers to these questions will remain confidential and demonstrate to us your valuable perspective and potential contributions as an aspiring member of our Peer Mentor Team.