By Kathy D., Calgary Silver Linings Foundation Volunteer
Trusting my body after eating disorder recovery can be a difficult endeavor. Being a control freak, it’s hard for me to fully trust my body. However, recovery requires giving up this control. The process of truly listening to my body includes:
Trusting that I am eating enough, and that my body will reap the benefits as a result. I trust that my body processes my food efficiently. I trust that my body knows what weight it needs to be, and will settle there, regardless of how I might feel some days about the number.
Staying away from the scale! I trust my body by not obsessively weighing myself, and continuing to eat healthfully (which can absolutely include dessert).
Trusting my body by moving it in a way that works for me, chronic pain and all.
Trusting my body by listening to it. This means intuitive eating and intuitive exercise. I ask myself, “What would serve me? A piece of dark chocolate or an apple? Restorative yoga, or dance moves in my family room?”
Knowing that, when my body is hungry, I’ll get hunger cues, and feed it appropriately. Sometimes my gut won’t rumble with hunger, but I will still honor the need to eat, anyways. “Hangry” is never a good place to get to, for me and those around me.
Listening to pain cues just as well as I listen to hunger cues. I try to work out what my pain is telling me - do I need to stretch, do a workout, or see a massage therapist?
Overall, I try to trust my body to let me know when it’s hungry, when it’s in pain, when it needs rest. This effort is a daily choice. Sometimes I don't listen to my body and I can beat myself up when I’m not following some self-prescribed eating or exercise regime. Keeping the negative internal monologues to a minimum is a work in progress, for sure.
Honestly, I don’t have it all together, and this post is as much for me as it is for others. I am a work in progress. But I’m getting there and so can you!